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 TAP Cargo

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Nombre de messages : 812
Age : 53
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 03/04/2006

TAP Cargo Empty
MessageSujet: TAP Cargo   TAP Cargo EmptyMer 10 Oct - 12:48

October 9, 2007
Brussels Airport - Brussels Airport is pleased to announce that as from Sunday October 7th 2007 a weekly freighter service between Brussels and Lisbon will be operated by TAP-Portugal Cargo. The new scheduled service, operated with leased Airbus A310-300F freighter aircraft of Royal Jordanian Airlines Cargo, will target Portugal African and Brazil markets in both directions.

"For several years already, TAP-Portugal Cargo considered the startup of a freighter service between Brussels and Lisbon, but until now we only operated a few full freight charter flights" said Karel de Ryck, Cargo Manager Belux of TAP-Portugal. "We are convinced the market will appreciate the capacity of this new scheduled freighter service on the growing market to Lisbon and connecting destinations in Africa and South America." he added.

The freight pallets will be build by WFS while Aviapartner will be handling the aircraft on the apron.
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