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 Bmi ouvre Manchester

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5 participants

Nombre de messages : 841
Age : 48
Localisation : Toulouse
Date d'inscription : 27/06/2004

Bmi ouvre Manchester Empty
MessageSujet: Bmi ouvre Manchester   Bmi ouvre Manchester EmptyMar 27 Mar - 20:31

Suite à la non reprise de la ligne LYS-MAN de BA BMI ouvre une international route for Manchester - bmi regional to start daily direct service to Lyon

release date: 27/03/2007

Aberdeen-based bmi regional, officially the UK’s most punctual airline, today announced another new international air route from Manchester.

Starting 25 May, a direct daily service will link Manchester and the French city of Lyon, providing a much needed non-stop flight connection between the two cities and filling the gap left by the BA Connect/FlyBe merger after the existing, popular route was cancelled.

Stewart Adams, managing director bmi regional, said: “We are delighted to be flying to Lyon from this Spring. I am sure that Manchester travellers will be relieved that they can still travel direct to this marvellous French city.

“After FlyBe/BA Connect decided to leave their passengers in the lurch and cancel the route, passengers from Manchester can now fly with bmi regional and be assured of the punctual services on comfortable jet aircraft with a great flight schedules and low fares. “

Using modern Embraer jet aircraft on the new route, passengers can look forward to attractive business and economy fares and the renowned bmi regional service, which continues to offer complimentary in-flight refreshments to all passengers.

bmi regional also continues to be the UK’s most punctual airline, according to CAA published statistics. Unrivalled punctuality and reliance in the air is matched with speed and efficiency on the ground with business lounge facilities and range of check-in options, including online or self-service check-in.


notes to editors

• Flight schedule, from 25 May 2007
Depart Manchester 10:30; arrive Lyon 13:15 (Monday to Saturday)*
Depart Manchester 14:45; arrive Lyon 17:30 (Sunday)
Depart Lyon 13:50; arrive Manchester 14:45 (Monday to Saturday)*
Depart Lyon 18:00; arrive Manchester 18:55 (Sunday)n vol dès le mois de mai !!
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Nombre de messages : 111
Date d'inscription : 22/06/2006

Bmi ouvre Manchester Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Bmi ouvre Manchester   Bmi ouvre Manchester EmptyJeu 29 Mar - 22:31

En attendant et jusqu'au 15 avril, vous pouvez profiter du Chambéry/Manchester de Jet2 en5/7
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gnome et rhone

Nombre de messages : 107
Localisation : Lyon
Date d'inscription : 11/12/2006

Bmi ouvre Manchester Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Bmi ouvre Manchester   Bmi ouvre Manchester EmptyDim 1 Avr - 14:13

Pas de nouvelles d'une reprise de Birmingham ?
Il me semble, qu'en 2003-2004 Air France s'était risqué sur cette ligne avec 1 AR / jour en CRJ.
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Nombre de messages : 849
Age : 32
Localisation : charleval-en-provence
Date d'inscription : 07/03/2007

Bmi ouvre Manchester Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Bmi ouvre Manchester   Bmi ouvre Manchester EmptyDim 1 Avr - 14:22

encore faudrait-il que DB est des CGRJ à fournir ce qui n'est pas le cas, elle préfère augmenté la capacité des CRJ en passant des modèles -100 à -700!! Very Happy
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Nombre de messages : 849
Age : 32
Localisation : charleval-en-provence
Date d'inscription : 07/03/2007

Bmi ouvre Manchester Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Bmi ouvre Manchester   Bmi ouvre Manchester EmptyLun 2 Avr - 20:47

bmi régional opérera en ERJ-145???
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Nombre de messages : 812
Age : 53
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 03/04/2006

Bmi ouvre Manchester Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Bmi ouvre Manchester   Bmi ouvre Manchester EmptyLun 2 Avr - 22:49

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Bmi ouvre Manchester Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Bmi ouvre Manchester   Bmi ouvre Manchester Empty

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Bmi ouvre Manchester
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