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2 participants

Nombre de messages : 841
Age : 49
Localisation : Toulouse
Date d'inscription : 27/06/2004

SkyEurope Empty
MessageSujet: Nouvelles bases SkyEurope à Nice Manchester   SkyEurope EmptyLun 13 Déc - 23:29

Voici les 2 commyuniqués de presse :

SkyEurope lance sa saison d’été 2005 au départ de la France

SkyEurope Airlines, la première compagnie aérienne à bas prix en Europe Centrale et le plus grand transporteur aérien au départ de Paris vers cette région, a annoncé aujourd’hui l’ouverture des ventes de billets pour la saison d’été 2005, qui s’étendra du 27 mars au 29 octobre 2005. Ce lancement s’accompagne d’une promotion exceptionnelle : 1 million de billets gratuits*.

Une nouvelle base à Nice vient d’être ajoutée au réseau de SkyEurope avec des vols pour :

Vienne Bratislava 4 vols par semaine
Košice via Bratislava 4 vols par semaine
Budapest 3 vols par semaine
Cracovie 3 vols par semaine
Varsovie 3 vols par semaine

La fréquence des vols sur les lignes déjà existantes va également être augmentée :

Vienne Bratislava 11 vols par semaine
Budapest 12 vols par semaine
Košice via Bratislava 11 vols par semaine
Cracovie 7 vols par semaine
Varsovie 9 vols par semaine

“Le démarrage d’une nouvelle base à Nice ainsi que l’augmentation de la fréquence des vols sur les routes déjà existantes vont contribuer à renforcer la position de leadership qu’occupe SyEurope en tant que plus grand transporteur aérien de et vers l’Europe Centrale et l’Europe de l’Est. Nous nous engageons à être une compagnie de premier choix pour toutes les personnes qui souhaitent voyager dans cette région. Pour le démarrage de cette nouvelle saison d’été, nous proposons une offre exceptionnelle : 1 million de sièges gratuits.” a déclaré Christian Mandl, directeur Général de SkyEurope, lors du lancement du programme d’été 2005.

SkyEurope announces its summer 2005 timetable from UK

SkyEurope Airlines, the first low cost low fare airline in Central Europe and the largest carrier to Central Europe from London, has announced today and opened for sale its summer 2005 schedule, valid from 27 March to 29 October 2005. The launch of the summer schedule sale starts with an incredible promotion of 1 million free* tickets.

New base in Manchester has been added to SkyEurope’s network with flights to:

Vienna Bratislava 4 Flights per week
Krakow 3 Flights per week
Warsaw 3 Flights per week
Košice via Bratislava 4 Flights per week

Existing routes from London Stansted will see an increase in frequencies:

Vienna Bratislava 12 Flights per week
Budapest 12 Flights per week
Košice via Bratislava 12 Flights per week
Krakow 10 Flights per week
Warsaw 10 Flights per week

“The start-up of new base in Manchester and the increase of frequencies on existing routes further reinforce SkyEurope’s leadership as the biggest carrier to and from Central and Eastern Europe. We are committed to be the airline of choice to all who want to travel to this region. To launch our new summer schedule, we are offering an exceptional sale of 1 million free seats” said Christian Mandl, SkyEurope’s Chief Executive on the launch of the summer 2005 programme.
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Nombre de messages : 841
Age : 49
Localisation : Toulouse
Date d'inscription : 27/06/2004

SkyEurope Empty
MessageSujet: nouveau sur Sky Europe   SkyEurope EmptyMer 27 Juil - 23:40

la compagnie va lancer un certain nombre de lignes cet hiver parmi lesquelles:
-Orly-Innsbruck 4 fois par semaine
-Amsterdam Innsbruck 3 vols
-Manchester-Salzbourg 2 fois
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Nombre de messages : 417
Age : 40
Localisation : NICE
Date d'inscription : 23/11/2005

SkyEurope Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SkyEurope   SkyEurope EmptyVen 10 Fév - 14:41

Sky Europe sur Bulgarie!
des vols BTS - SOFia
BUD - Bourgas, BTS - Bourgas et BuD - Varna...
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Nombre de messages : 841
Age : 49
Localisation : Toulouse
Date d'inscription : 27/06/2004

SkyEurope Empty
MessageSujet: SkyEurope   SkyEurope EmptyMar 19 Déc - 12:49

SkyEurope opens new basis in Vienna. 16 new connections starting from Vienna Schwechat with fire-new Boeing 737-700

19. 12. 2006 - SkyEurope airlines, the largest Low Cost Low far airline of central and Eastern Europe, strengthens its operational readiness level in Austria and opens its own basis at the airport vienna Schwechat.

With beginning of the summer flight plan, starting from 25. March 2007, takes SkyEurope off for the first time in Vienna and operates from there regularly between 16 European Destinationen. With these 16 Non stop Linienflugverbindungen of Vienna Schwechat, and altogether 27 Destinationen from the airport group Bratislava/Vienna, represents to SkyEurope the Low Cost flight offer from Vienna, largest with distance. Thus SkyEurope enters, based on the number of offered line flights as second largest airline into Vienna. „We for the first time make Austrian travelers available Top Europe Destinationen, under it for instance Amsterdam, Barcelona, Brussels, Paris or Nice, to Niedrigstpreisen “, said Christian Mandl, CEO von SkyEurope airlines.

The opening of the basis in Vienna, beside the homeland basis Bratislava, corresponds to the strategic adjustment of the enterprise into strong, however markets under-supplied with Low Cost airlines to enter and the market potential fully exhaust. For the 6 million inhabitant of the catchment area vienna Bratislava develop thus within a radius of only 100 kilometers distinguished airline connections. Already today approximately 20 per cent of all flight passengers into Bratislava from Austria, on some distances is it comes even approximately 50 per cent.

With the new basis Vienna now genuine Low far connections are introduced for the first time from and to Vienna with a large flight offer. Altogether in the summer 61 weekly SkyEurope flights per week are offered from Vienna.

„The decision to include Vienna as new main basis into our route network represents a substantial and lasting efficiency increase on the way to the Profitabilität “, says Karim Makhlouf, new selling and marketing executive committee of SkyEurope.

Starting from Vienna Schwechat to 16 European Topdestinationen

The European Top Städtedestinationen such as Amsterdam, Brussels and Paris is daily approached. Italy fans can select beside Rimini also between the Destinationen Florenz and Venice (ever three times per week). With at the end of March is addressed also of France the south: Three times per week a SkyEurope flier starts after Nice. Likewise three weekly flights operate into the pulsating capital Kataloniens, Barcelona.

In the context of the Go East strategy SkyEurope approaches the Osteuropadestinationen strengthened: Starting from 25. March operates SkyEurope daily from Vienna to Bucharest and/or six times in the week after Sofia. Beyond that particularly attractive air targets are available to Niedrigsttarifen for the summer vacation at the Croatian dalmatinischen coast. Thus SkyEurope approaches Dubrovnik, Split and Zadar starting from Vienna three the summer Hot Spots of Croatia, i.e. (ever twice per week).

„Toward the east we will in particular introduce price level corresponding to real market conditions and a fair for the first time and added existing high price monopolies attack “, Karim Makhlouf.

Further new summer vacation goals, which can be achieved starting from Vienna to the Low far tariff, are the Italian Rimini (twice per week) as well as Greece (Athens - three times per week, Thessaloniki - twice per week) and Cyprus (Larnaca - twice per week).

Flüge ab Wien - Schwechat Ab 25. März 2007

Amsterdam AMS 1234567 7x pro Woche
Brüssel BRU 1234567 7x pro Woche
Paris/Orly ORY 1234567 7x pro Woche
Nice NCE 1-3-5-- 3x pro Woche
Venedig/Treviso TSF 1-3-5-- 3x pro Woche
Florenz FLR -2-4-6- 3x pro Woche
Rimini RMI ---4--7 2x pro Woche
Bukarest Baneasa BBU 1234567 7x pro Woche
Sofia SOF 123456- 6x pro Woche
Athen ATH -2-4--7 / 1-3-5--3x pro Woche
Thessaloniki SKG --3--6- / ---4--72x pro Woche
Larnaca LCA 1---5-- / -2---6-2x pro Woche
Zadar ZAD -2---6- 2x pro Woche
Dubrovnik DBV --3--6- 2x pro Woche
Split SPU -2---6- 2x pro Woche
Barcelona BCN -2---6-7 3x pro Woche
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SkyEurope Empty
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