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 Angers Marcé

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3 participants

Nombre de messages : 419
Localisation : Paris • Nantes
Date d'inscription : 22/06/2004

Angers Marcé Empty
MessageSujet: Angers Marcé   Angers Marcé EmptySam 18 Fév - 14:18

A partir du 2 ai, Angers-Manchester, 3/sem; Angers-Cork, 3/sem.

Curieux mais bon, on commence à être habitué par ces lignes ultra-secondaires très en vogue! Wink
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Nombre de messages : 1247
Date d'inscription : 27/06/2004

Angers Marcé Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Angers Marcé   Angers Marcé EmptyDim 19 Fév - 18:57

Curieux non!!!
cela rentre tout a fait dans la politique de ces cies!

et puis comme je le presentais dans un post sur un autre forum, JSD , c'est l'effet FR qui dérange ces petites cies lesquelles seraient peut etre venues sur nTE....!!
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Nombre de messages : 812
Age : 53
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 03/04/2006

Angers Marcé Empty
MessageSujet: Angers Marcé, le thread officiel   Angers Marcé EmptyLun 2 Oct - 15:51

Ouverte en mai dernier par la compagnie low cost Flybe, la ligne aérienne Southampton-Angers a séduit quelques 6000 passagers. Concluant, l'essai sera renouvelé et amplifié. (Le courrier de l'Ouest, Le Maine Libre, 29/09)

Bravo Angers et à quand d'autres lignes.....

Cela va peut-être faire revenir Aer Arann
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Nombre de messages : 812
Age : 53
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 03/04/2006

Angers Marcé Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Angers Marcé   Angers Marcé EmptyVen 30 Mai - 15:17

Bonne nouvelle

Eastern Airways increases flights in time for Le Mans 24 hour race

Flights from Southampton International Airport to Angers Loire in France by UK regional airline, Eastern Airways, are being increased to coincide with the world famous Le Mans 24 hour motor race.

The independent carrier, which is one of the UK’s most punctual airlines*, will introduce a Friday service from 6 June 2008 prior to the start of Le Mans (14-15 June), which is located 46 miles from Angers Loire Airport. Friday services will continue to operate over the summer season, taking the number of flights to four a week.

Services depart on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursday and Fridays leaving Southampton at 12 noon, landing in Angers Loire at 2.25pm local time. Flights depart Angers Loire at 2.55pm, arriving in Southampton at 3.20pm local time.

Chris Holliday, Eastern Airways’ chief operating officer, said: “Our timely introduction of a Friday service from Southampton to Angers Loire is initially aimed at motorsport enthusiasts visiting Le Mans spectacular weekend event. However, the convenience of our service has proved popular with those owning holiday homes in the Angers and Loire Valley, along with expatriates and this new Friday service provides a greater choice of flights over the summer.”

Angers is the gateway to the Loire Valley, which is one of France’s most significant wine growing regions. It also has dedicated cycling routes and tracks ideally suited for family holidays, as well as many stunning inhabited chateaux in the area.

Eastern Airways first started flights between Southampton and Angers Loire in November 2007 and its service also appeals to industry sectors including truck manufacturing, IT, technology and liqueurs.

Passengers travelling with Eastern Airways through Southampton Airport also benefit from a dedicated fast track security channel to avoid any queues.

The airline also offers high frequency scheduled services from Southampton to Leeds Bradford, Newcastle and Aberdeen.
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Angers Marcé Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Angers Marcé   Angers Marcé Empty

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