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Nombre de messages : 812
Age : 53
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 03/04/2006

MessageSujet: ANGERS   ANGERS EmptyJeu 18 Oct - 12:12

UK regional airline, Eastern Airways today announces its first ever scheduled route to France with services between Southampton International Airport and Angers Loire Airport.

The independent operator, which is one of the UK’s most punctual airlines*, will launch a three times a week service on Thursday 15 November 2007.

Flights will depart on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays leaving Southampton at 1105, arriving at Angers Loire at 1320 local time. Flights from Angers Loire take off at 1345 and land in Southampton at 1405 local time.

Concentrating on customer requirements, passengers flying with Eastern benefit from Business Express Fast Track security channel at Southampton to avoid any queues, ensuring they can check-in just 30 minutes before boarding.

Angers is the gateway to the Loire Valley, which is part of France’s third wine producing region, while other strong industry sectors include truck manufacturing, IT, technology, tourism and liqueurs. The airline’s new service will also appeal to holidaymakers with property in the stunning French region along with expatriates travelling to and from the South of England.

Chris Holliday, Eastern Airways’ chief operating officer, said: “This announcement is a key milestone in our history as we further expand services into Europe with our first ever scheduled flights to France. This Southampton service is great news for business and leisure travellers heading to the Loire Valley as it will help strengthen links between the two regions and customers will be able to experience our punctual, personalised, convenient service.” Southampton Airport’s marketing and communications director, Jan Halliday, said: “We’re delighted to see Eastern Airways further develop its route network from Southampton Airport as it enters the French market for the first time. This air service is important to businesses in the Hampshire region with links to the Loire Valley, as well as those travelling on holiday.”

Eastern Airways celebrates its 10th anniversary this year and also offers onward connecting UK services from Southampton to Aberdeen, Leeds Bradford, and Newcastle.
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