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2 participants

Nombre de messages : 812
Age : 53
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 03/04/2006

MessageSujet: FLYBE   FLYBE EmptyLun 31 Juil - 20:00

Flybe announce Guernsey - Paris flights

A new Channel Island air route to Paris is set to be launched. FlyBe, the regional low-cost airline, has announced plans for daily flights between Guernsey and the French capital from October.

It will be the first route to Paris from Guernsey. The island currently has flights to St Brieuc in Brittany and Dinard, near St Malo.

The flights are expected to run year-round with stops in Jersey. One-way tickets will start at about £30 exclusive of taxes.
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Nombre de messages : 841
Age : 48
Localisation : Toulouse
Date d'inscription : 27/06/2004

MessageSujet: Re: FLYBE   FLYBE EmptyVen 4 Aoû - 10:30

Je ne vois pas cette info sur le site de Flybe !
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Nombre de messages : 812
Age : 53
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 03/04/2006

MessageSujet: Re: FLYBE   FLYBE EmptyJeu 21 Sep - 12:23

Flybe may drop Channel Islands - Paris route before it's launched

Flybe has saidthat a new air link from the Channel Islands to Paris could be dropped before it has begun. The airline says lack of support from Jersey's government means the route could remain grounded.

Flybe announced in August that it wanted to start operating to the French capital from Guernsey and Jersey. At the time it said the States of Guernsey would invest in the Paris air route, which would cost about £3.5m a year to run.

Mike Rutter from Flybe says Jersey now has seven days to make a decision or the airline faces losing the slots its secured. Deputy Alan Maclean, Jersey's assistant minister for economic development, has said the department will make a decision this week.
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Nombre de messages : 812
Age : 53
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 03/04/2006

MessageSujet: Re: FLYBE   FLYBE EmptyJeu 28 Sep - 21:58

Guernsey could get Paris flights after Jersey pulls out

Flybe could offer a direct service to Paris from Guernsey after Jersey said the subsidy required by low cost airline Flybe to launch the service was too high.

The airline has proposed a new air link between Jersey, Guernsey and Paris. But Jersey's government says calls by Flybe for a subsidy of about £1m to set up the new air route are excessive, and it was concerned about what would happen when the subsidy runs out.

Alan MacLean, Jersey's Assistant Minister for Economic Development, said the investment was 'too risky'. He told the BBC: 'We are very keen to develop routes into Europe. We also see tremendous merit in working with Guernsey. But it is a two-year offer and the biggest concern is that it is a substantial investment for the taxpayer to make and there is no guarantee at the end of two years, if the route is not successful, that they would continue with it.'

Mike Rutter, Flybe's chief commercial officer, said flying from both islands was more viable. He added: 'We are still in discussions with the States of Guernsey to see if there is an option of running a reduced Guernsey to Paris service. But obviously it would be most viable if this was a Jersey and Guernsey route because we think we might be able to get the passenger numbers together to make that work.'
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Nombre de messages : 812
Age : 53
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 03/04/2006

MessageSujet: Re: FLYBE   FLYBE EmptyLun 2 Oct - 15:54

Channel Islands - Paris route deadline is extended

Flybe extended their decision deadline on a new route between the Channel Islands and Paris, the BBC reports.

Jersey's government believe a subsidy of around £1million to start the new route is excessive, despite agreement by Guernsey States. Flybe and Jersey States will meet this Wednesday to see if a compromise can be reached.

If the meeting is unsucessful Flybe will lose the landing slots in Paris and the route will not happen. There has been talk of a Guernsey only route, but Flybe's Mike Rutter, says flying from both islands is more viable.
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